Teses defendidas


1.2. Chemical Oceanography
Student Thesis
Thesis Project Defense Date
Morente Fontela, Marcos Transport and budget of carbon, nutrients and oxygen in the North Atlantic 9/3/2018
1.3. Geological Oceanography
Student Thesis
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Plaza Morlote, Maider Late quaternary palaeoclimate in the eastern North Atlantic: a multiproxy approach 09/02/2018
2.5. Economics, Legislation and Management of marine resources
Student Thesis
Thesis Project Defense Date
Alvarez Ballesteros, Marta Gobernanza policéntrica en sistemas socioecológicos complejos: la gestión en las pesquerías artesanales en Galicia 2012-13
Santiago Castro-Rial, José Luis Ecosystem approach and evaluation of socioeconomic impacts of fishing in Galicia 17/03/2017
2.12. Upwelling of toxic algae and marine biotoxins
Student Thesis
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Salgado Garrido, Pablo César Study of two species of marine dinoflagellates of harmful Algal Blooms (FANs): Alexandrium ostenfeldii and Protoceratium reticulatum 19/1/2018
2.13. Pathology and immunology of culture organisms
Student Thesis
Thesis Project Defense Date
Bao Domínguez, Miguel Integrating fish biology, statistical modelling, economics and risk assessment to tackle the problem of parasites in fish defendió la tesis en la U. Aberdeen
Castrillo Arias,  Pedro A. Morphopathological study of the interaction between the Freshwater Pearl Mussel and the Atlantic salmon 13/05/2022
Hasanuzzaman, Abul Modulation of gene expression in Manila Clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) and in molluscan parasite (Perkinsus olseni) through host-parasite in vivo and in vitro interaction 20/6/2016
Pereiro González, Patricia Advances in the knowledge of the antiviral immune response and resistance to viral hemorragic septicemia virus (VHSV) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) 28/07/2017
Taboada Penoucos, Xoana Structural and Functional analysis of genes involved in sex determination/differentiation in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) 22/1/2016
2.14. Economics, Legislation and Management of Aquaculture
Student Thesis
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Castro Alonso, David Miguel Development of alternative assays to physicochemical methods in order to confirm the presence of marine biotoxins in seafood 21/10/2022
2.19. Production, management and valorization of marine sub-products
Student Thesis
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Noriega Rodríguez, Diana Production of encapsulating structures with bioactive properties from by-products of the fishing industry and the artichoke industry and transformer
3.5. Biodiversity and littoral zone ecology
Student Thesis
Thesis Project Defense Date
Fernandes Araújo, Hélder Eduardo Aiplane-based abundance and distribution of seabirds off western Iberia – monitoring towards conservation 19/07/2021
Hernández González, Alberto Diet analysis of the main cetacean’s species in waters of the North-West Iberian Peninsula and analysis of macro and microplastics in their stomachs 14/04/2023
Pedrouzo Regueiro, Lucía Systematic and anatomical study of the family Pruvotinidae (Solenogastres, Cavibelonia) two hard substrates two batiais bottoms of Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) 29/05/2017
3.11. Coastal economic activity: assessment and sustainability
Student Thesis
Thesis Project Defense Date
Salgueiro Otero, Diego Adaptation of Small-Scale Fisheries to Climate Change 23/02/2022
4.7. Human resources in maritime activities. Labour law
Student Thesis
Thesis Project Defense Date
Longarela Ares, Ángeles María Economic barriers and drivers of energy efficiency investments in maritime shipping: an approach based on the principal-agent problem 25/11/2022